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Terms of Usage

 Welcome to the online shop operated by ymshair.com! We appreciate your interest in our products, and we hope you enjoy everything we offer.

        ymshair.com provides services to you subject to the notices, terms, and conditions set forth in this agreement. Besides, you will obey the rules, guidelines, policies, terms, and conditions applicable to such services before you use them.

        ymshair.com reserves the right to change this site and these terms and conditions at any time. Before proceeding, please read this agreement because accessing, browsing, or otherwise using the Site indicates your agreement to all the terms and conditions in this agreement.

         You shall not upload, distribute, or otherwise publish through this Site any Content, information, or other material that (a) includes any bugs, viruses, worms, trap doors, Trojan horses, or other harmful code or properties; (b) is libelous, threatening, defamatory, obscene, indecent, pornographic, discriminatory, or could give rise to any civil or criminal liability under the laws of the U.S. or the laws of any other country that may apply; or (c)violates or infringes upon the copyrights, patents, trademarks, service marks, trade secrets, or other proprietary rights of any person. ymshair.com may give you an account identification and password to enable you to access and use certain portions of this Site. Each time you use a password or identification, you are deemed to be authorized to access and use the Site in a manner consistent with the terms and conditions of this agreement, and ymshair.com has no obligation to investigate the source of any such access or use of the Site.

         By accepting these Terms of Use through your use of the Site, you certify that you are 18 years of age or older. If you are under 18 years old please use this Site only under the supervision of a parent or legal guardian. Subject to the terms and conditions of this agreement, ymshair.com hereby grants you a limited, revocable, non-transferable, and non-exclusive license to access and use the Site by displaying it on your Internet browser only for the purpose of shopping and not for any commercial use or use on behalf of any third party, except as explicitly permitted by ymshair.com in advance. Any violation of this Agreement shall result in the immediate revocation of the license granted in this paragraph without notice to you.

         Unless explicitly permitted by ymshair.com in advance, all materials, including images, text, illustrations, designs, icons, photographs, programs, music clips or downloads, video clips and written and other materials that are part of this Site (collectively, the "Contents") are intended solely for personal, non-commercial use. You may not make any commercial use of any of the information provided on the Site or make any use of the Site for the benefit of another business. ymshair.com reserves the right to refuse service, terminate accounts, and/or cancel orders in its discretion, including, without limitation, if ymshair.com believes that customer conduct violates applicable laws or is harmful to ymshair.com's interests. You may not reproduce, distribute, display, sell, lease, transmit, create derivative works from, translate, modify, reverse-engineer, disassemble, decompile, or otherwise exploit this Site or any portion of it unless expressly permitted by ymshair.com in writing.

          You will be solely responsible for all access to and use of this site by anyone using the password and identification originally assigned to you whether or not such access to and use of this site is actually authorized by you, including without limitation, all communications and transmissions and all obligations (including without limitation financial obligations) incurred through such access or use. You are solely responsible for protecting the security and confidentiality of the password and identification assigned to you. You shall immediately notify ymshair.com of any unauthorized use of your password or identification or any other breach or threatened breach of this Site's security.

          ymshair sincerely respects property rights. In case there is a copyright infringement on any picture, please contact us, and we will remove the picture as soon as possible

 User account

           For safety and security, each customer is allowed to create only one registered account by default. For customers who attempt to create several accounts, ymshair reserves the right to suspend accounts without further notice. Both parties agree that, following order dispatch, transportation is the sole responsibility of the third-party logistics company. During this stage, full ownership of the product(s) belongs to the buyer; all associated liability and risks during transportation shall be borne by the buyer.

          In accordance with Customs regulations, customers must provide valid and accurate data. All consignee names, address and payers name should be valid. Certain countries request that the consignee submit their ID or passport to clear the package or for payment verification purposes. It is the customers sole responsibility for the accuracy of data that they provide to us. Should any information be incorrect and prevent any shipment or deliveries or customs clearance, we will not held responsible and will not offer any compensation in such cases. ymshair will always comply with the law, and we kindly remind users to do the same. As the importer customers are responsible to comply with all laws and regulations in their own countries. Please refer to our privacy policy for more information.

Order Acceptance  

         Please note that there may be certain orders that we are unable to accept and must cancel. ymshair.com reserves the right, at sole discretion, to refuse or cancel any order for any reason. Some situations that may result in your order being canceled include limitations on quantities available for purchase, inaccuracies or errors in product or pricing information, or problems identified by our credit and fraud avoidance department. We may also require additional verifications or information before accepting any order. We will contact you if all or any portion of your order is canceled or if additional information is required to accept your order.

         ymshair is not responsible for late deliveries for special occasions, such as birthdays, or other events. We encourage customers to place their order in advance to ensure there is enough time to receive their item. All orders reported as "delivered" by shipping companies are considered delivered. UNice cannot be made liable of non-delivery in this case. 


          Unless otherwise provided, Our Company will comply only with its minimum packing standards for the method of transportation selected. The cost of all special packing, loading or bracing requested by Buyer will be paid for by Buyer. All cost of packing and shipment for Buyer's special equipment shall be paid for by Buyer.


          Unless otherwise provided, Our Company shall use its judgment in determining carrier and routing. In either case, Our Company shall not be liable for any delays or excessive transportation charges resulting from its selection.  

Payment Terms

The discount applies only to the invoiced value of the material (not to taxes or freight charges). Our Company reserves the right to require advance payment or satisfactory security for the goods if the financial condition of Buyer so warrants as determined by Our Company. If Buyer fails to make payment in accordance with terms of this agreement or any collateral agreement or fails to comply with any provisions hereof, Our Company may, at its option (and in addition to other remedies), cancel any unshipped portion of this order. Buyer is to remain liable for all unpaid accounts.

Taxes and import/export licenses

Prices do not include taxes. Taxes are paid by Buyer upon invoice from Our Company unless Buyer provides a valid exemption certificate acceptable to the taxing authority or unless Our Company is forbidden by law from the collection of said taxes from Buyer. Import or export licenses are to be secured by Buyer.  

Return of products

Goods can be returned in 15 days. Size the wrong items and quality problem items can be exchanged. Customers returning goods are responsible for freight charges.

Force majeure

Our Company shall not be liable for failure to perform its obligations resulting directly or indirectly from or contributed to by acts of God; acts of Buyer, civil or military authority, including wage and price controls; fires; war; riot; delays in transportation; lack of or inability to obtain raw materials (including energy sources), components, labor, fuel or supplies; or other circumstances beyond Our Company's reasonable control, whether similar or dissimilar to the foregoing. If certain quantities are affected and other quantities are not, the quantities affected shall be eliminated without liability, but the agreement shall remain unaffected. Our Company may during any period of shortage due to any of said causes, allocate its supply of such raw materials among its various users thereof in any manner which UNice Company deems fair and reasonable. In no event shall Our Company be liable for special or consequential damages for any delay for any cause.



These Terms of Service and any separate agreements whereby we provide you Services shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of UK

ymshair.com owns this website.


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